Help Others at Encompass Ministries

There are many ways to join us at Encompass to eradicate hunger and hopelessness in our local communities.  Partner with us to help people.


Serve our local communities by helping at Encompass.  Discover our current staffing needs and how to get started on the join our volunteer team page, or get more information by completed the contact for below.

Donate Food

Drop off food at 6551 Commerce Pkwy, Woodstock, GA 30189.

You can leave dry items in our dropbox (Please no glass in dropbox).   Learn more here. 

The list of our top 10 needs this week is on our home page, you can see it here. 

Food Drive

Your community group can do a food drive to help stock the pantry at Encompass.  Click here to get started. 

Give Financially

97% of your giving goes into our community.  Support that is monthly, annually, or one time helps people and families break cycles of poverty and hunger.  Give here.

How would you like to help?